Miniature Bayonet Based LEDs


Miniature Bayonet Based LEDs

There are hundreds of miniature bayonet (MB) based incandescent bulbs used across a range of industries; we stock the entire family of LED replacements.  

Common Applications:

Designed to replace:

  • Standard BA9S incandescent bulbs
  • Can be used behind any colored lens

Highlighted Features

  • 4-10V, 6-28V, 36-130V AC/DC
  • Bi-Polarity
  • 100,000 hours vs 5,000 hours of incandescent
  • BA9S base
  • Shock and vibration proof
  • No glass that can shatter
  • Available in red, green, blue, yellow/amber and white


In environments where changing indicator light bulbs cannot be the priority and is often wasted time and maintenance effort, this LED goes a long way.  It is another one of our “no-brainer” products that we have sold with great success.  We highly recommend this as a way to vastly improve the function of whatever your mission may be.  

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