LED Lighting for Bars and Restaurants


For anyone working in the bar or restaurant industry, there is one thing that’s clear: changing light bulbs should be the last thing on your priority list. The other side of this coin is that health inspections are getting more rigid these days and the requirement to have safety coated bulbs in certain areas is real. There is also the atmosphere that you are trying to achieve, and still more, the constant battle of finding the perfect temperature to keep guests pleased. So, while you may want to ignore the lighting in your space, the truth is that it plays a significant role for a variety of reasons. It’s because of all of this, that LEDs should be the way to go! And yes, there are now LEDs that will allow you to keep the integrity of your specific aesthetic, albeit modern to farm house, or anywhere in between.

Ok, so there is the issue of having to change light bulbs, or worrying about customer’s noticing that a bulb is out. Having one or more light bulbs out can send a message that you don’t care about your space. You want your customers to know that you do care and attention to details matter; after all, you are handling their food. By changing to a LED, you will be able to install one LED and not have to think about it for YEARS. That’s right! The average life hours of an incandescent is anywhere from 1,000 – 5,000 hours. The average life hours of a LED is anywhere from 25,000 to 100,000 hours. You do the math.

Next is the issue of safety coating. No one wants to worry about a shattered light bulb in the bar or restaurant area; this is common sense. All incandescent bulbs are glass; this can be a problem. Nowadays, there are plenty of LEDs that are made of plastic and acrylic that are inherently shatterproof. I know, you like the look of the traditional glass bulbs. Well, at Martek, we have a superior coating service that can give you the benefits of LED with a clear safety coat so you can actually pass that surprise health inspection. It’s a win-win situation.

Still not convinced? If your restaurant is too cold, people are tense, too hot and people aren’t hungry. It’s a lot of work on your HVAC system to try to get it just right. Of course, on top of that, you are always battling against the heat produced in the kitchen. In addition, do you realize that you are also working against the heat produced from all the light bulbs in your restaurant? If you’re reading this, you know what the electric bill looks like, especially in the warmer months. Many people don’t realize the amount of heat produced from the energy used to light a standard bulb. Have you ever touched a lit incandescent bulb? Be careful; they are hot! The great thing about LEDs is that they are cool burning. So, not only would you not have to worry about burning yourself by changing to LEDs, but you would be doing your HVAC a huge favor, not to mention you’d be decreasing your expenses.

By now, most people understand that LEDs are more energy efficient. That means you will be saving money on your utility bill. There is a formula to figure out the return on investment and there are a lot of determining factors. But, there is never a doubt that switching to a LED, in the end, will save you money.

So, whether you are driven by not wanting the hassle of changing bulbs, or you need to satisfy a recent health inspection, or you are looking for ways to save energy and money, LEDs are the answer. Of course, if none of this motivates you, it could just be that you want to make a difference in the world, and having your restaurant or bar lit with LEDs is showing customers you care!

For a free consultation on your restaurant LEDs, call Martek at 856-427-9411.

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